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Re: COMMENT: Cookie dough (fwd)

At 03:24 PM 7/9/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Benjamin Tomhave wrote:
>> If anybody is interested, and hasn't taken the time to look at their
>> cookie file yet, Netscape gives their rationale/excuse for cookies at
>> http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.htm  This URL can be
>> found in your Netscape cookie file.  On a related note, I editted my
>> cookie.txt file (under WinNT), clearing all entries, saved, and then made
>> the file read only.  So far I have not had any more entries added, which
>> is a nice feeling.  I would get a little nervous if the browser were to
>> change attributes on a file to add that sort of information.
>> -ben
>It has always been a concern if cookies are really secure.  
>So I started experimenting with my ``cookies'' file in unix.  
>By changing the ``FALSE'' statement to ``TRUE'' I noticed a 
>different advertisement pop-up.  Interesting.  Someone should 
>publish the ``ideal cookie'' which contains the type of site 
>activity warranting VIP red-carpet treatment, and sell it for 
>ecash to people wanting to surf the web in style.  :-)  On a 
>serious note, I'm surprised you didn't get an error message by 
>changing your cookie attribute to read-only.
>Where does the information go if it's trying to write, then?  
>Into a ``hole'' of some sort or simply NUL device?
> | ._  _ ._ _.._ _    ``I do not fear computers
>_|_| |(_|| (_|| | |     I fear lack of them.''  -Isaac Asimov
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Peter L. Wyatt, MIMgt.
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